Casselton Robert Miller Regional Airport
The Regional Airport provides a wide range of aircraft services including 24 hour credit card fuel sales, 24 hour terminal/pilot lounge, major maintenance, routine annual inspections, total airframe rebuilding and restoration, painting, engine overhauls, interior upholstery work, ag GPS installation/service, tiedowns, aerial application of agricultural products, aircraft sales, flight school, and hangar storage.
Distance from Casselton – 3 minutes Concrete
Runway – 3900′ X 75′ (4800’ x 75’ runway construction phase to be completed 2026)
Unicom – Yes, 122.8 Instrument
Approach – Yes, VOR/DME Pilot Controlled
Flight Service – 1-800-WX BRIEF
To access these services contact:
Airport Admin., 701-347-0201 or 701-347-5519
The Casselton Regional Airport Authority was established in 1976. It is comprised of the townships of Amenia, Casselton, Durbin, Empire, Everest, Harmony and Rush River, along with the city of Casselton. The 110 acre airport includes a concrete runway/taxiway system and a VOR/DME instrument approach.
Airport Meetings, 1st Wednesday of the month
9:30 a.m. at the Regional Airport office
Mailing Address: Casselton Regional Airport
PO Box 234
Casselton, ND 58012
Email Address: