Casselton Heartland Industrial Park

Heartland Industrial Park is a professionally developed and maintained, 80-acre park located one mile south of Casselton, North Dakota.

Facts about the park:

  • Highway Access – the Heartland Industrial Park is located at the intersection of North Dakota Highway 18 and Interstate 94, and also is 18 miles west of the junction of Interstate Highways I-94 and I-29.

  • Railroad Access – the Red River Valley Western Railroad is located on the west side of the park with a Burlington Northern Railroad interconnect at Casselton.

  • Street – 31-foot concrete street with drive over curb and gutter.

  • Electrical Service – Cass County Electric Cooperative provides electric service to the industrial park via two three-phase distribution feeders operating at a primary voltage of 7.2/12.47 KV. In 1997, Minnkota Power Cooperative, CCEC’s power supplier, completed the construction of 7 miles of shielded 69 kV transmission line and a dedicated 69/12.47 KV distribution substation to serve the park.

  • Natural Gas – A 6-inch line pressurized at 60 pounds per square inch is available.

  • Telephone/Fiber Optics – Underground telephone cable and fiber optic service is available.  A digital telephone switch office is located in Casselton.

  • Water Service – The industrial park is served by a 500,000 gallon water tower, pressurized at 60 pounds per square inch capable of supplying 500 gallons per minute. Sanitary Sewer – 8-inch sewer service is available in the industrial park.

  • Storm Sewer – A storm sewer system is designed into the industrial park.

  • Environmental Assessment – An environmental assessment was completed February 14, 1992 and reviewed by FmHA. No significant impact on the environment was determined.

  • Zoning – Property within the Heartland Industrial Park is zoned light industrial and general commercial.

  • Property Taxes – A 5-year tax abatement or tax increment financing or 20 years of negotiated tax relief is available.

  • Fire & Police Protection, Snow Removal and Garbage Service – Are provided by the City of Casselton.

Land For Sale in Casselton Industrial Park